The design process has created eight planning areas within Delantero, each with a mix of uses resulting in a cohesively designed neighborhood with a variety of housing options and amenities.
Delantero offers a variety of single family homes for first time home buyers, those looking to move up to a medium size lot to perhaps start a family, or those looking for a bit more elbow room.
Delantero offers a variety of single family homes for first time home buyers, those looking to move up to a medium size lot to perhaps start a family, or those looking for a bit more elbow room.
Delantero offers a variety of single family homes for first time home buyers, those looking to move up to a medium size lot to perhaps start a family, or those looking for a bit more elbow room.
Delantero offers a variety of single family homes for first time home buyers, those looking to move up to a medium size lot to perhaps start a family, or those looking for a bit more elbow room.
Mixed Use & Multi-Family Housing provide rental options for those new to the area and looking for an urban vibe. Townhomes create an opportunity for ownership and low-maintenance living for those on the go. Paired homes are also an option for those looking to reduce yard work.
Mixed Use & Multi-Family Housing provide rental options for those new to the area and looking for an urban vibe. Townhomes create an opportunity for ownership and low-maintenance living for those on the go. Paired homes are also an option for those looking to reduce yard work.
Mixed Use & Multi-Family Housing provide rental options for those new to the area and looking for an urban vibe. Townhomes create an opportunity for ownership and low-maintenance living for those on the go. Paired homes are also an option for those looking to reduce yard work.
Homes will be interspersed with approximately 180 acres of neighborhood and community parks and open space, providing community agricultural and recreational opportunities for residents to enjoy. Trails and open space corridors will connect all areas within the community and provide access to future development.
Homes will be interspersed with approximately 180 acres of neighborhood and community parks and open space, providing community agricultural and recreational opportunities for residents to enjoy. Trails and open space corridors will connect all areas within the community and provide access to future development.
Homes will be interspersed with approximately 180 acres of neighborhood and community parks and open space, providing community agricultural and recreational opportunities for residents to enjoy. Trails and open space corridors will connect all areas within the community and provide access to future development.
Commercial and mixed-use areas are strategically positioned adjacent to US Highways 34 and 257, which will allow them to serve the nearby development as well as regional needs, with minimal disruption to residences at the heart of the community.
Commercial and mixed-use areas are strategically positioned adjacent to US Highways 34 and 257, which will allow them to serve the nearby development as well as regional needs, with minimal disruption to residences at the heart of the community.